Saturday, January 9, 2010

a discovery...

Yesterday, while sharing in a happy cry-fest with my dear sister, we made a discovery pertaining to female behavior.

Why, when wiping away streaking, runny mascara, do we hold our mouths open in a grotesque twist and scowl? and always while asking, "Do I look okay??"

No, we don't look okay. We look like we've just been dumped. Or worse, that skirt isn't on sale anymore.

We look silly, and disheveled, and pathetic. Especially with that big gaping mouth.

But, there she is next to you. Your sister, your mother, or your best friend, wiping her red eyes and shaking her head and sniffling, saying,

No, you look great!

You don't even look like you've been crying!

No one will even be able to tell...

You look so beautiful and I just...I just...*sob*...I love you so much!

Or maybe that's just us. Either way, here's hoping you have someone to lie to you after your own cry-fest, one that makes you believe that you look fabulous.

1 comment:

  1. Did you notice when you put mascara on you typically have your mouth in the same odd circle?
