Wednesday, May 26, 2010

pen and ink...

click to enlarge.

Ps. sorry for the crappy penmanship and spelling/grammatical errors.
Pps. I love you all.


  1. Love reading your blog, don't ever stop writing!! :)

  2. everything you write is you, witty, punchy, quick, tongue in cheek, emotional, tender, honest, exaggerated, cheeky, silly, boring and all! (although, I've never actually read anything boring here, I just added that one to round out the adjectives... is that dishonest?) I know how you feel, oh I know how you feel. I want to write. I love my little slice of blog pie. But 1. does anyone read it? 2. Does it matter? 3. am i lame? 4. do I bore people? Because that would be the worst. Worse than offending people! Just kidding. 5. Should I worry what people think more? Do I say things that are wrong? Should I be more careful? 6. WHY do I always feel such stress if I miss a self-appointed deadline? Do I really need MORE stress in my life? 6. Am I just being a big whiner? 7. Did I just put two 6's up? It must be time for bed...
    Anyway, I hear you on this one. You have such talent, though, Roni. Seriously, you know I would not just say that. If you don't keep blogging for any other reason blog because I know "you have something special. Don't ever lose that." ;)
